Friday, November 30, 2007

Power to the People

In the midst of all the Republican mudslinging about immigration and updates on the colors of Hillary's pantsuits, we clearly aren't paying enough attention to the minor Democratic candidates. Honestly, you really do have to give candidates such as Biden and Gravel credit. They say exactly what they want to say (when they're given the opportunity to speak). Watch these two videos to see what I mean.

What Rolling Stone called "Joe-mentum":

Mike Gravel - Give Peace a Chance

Friday, November 16, 2007

Debate: Las Vegas, November 15, 2007

So there was another Democratic Debate last night, and, in case you missed it because of midterms, I think general consensus is that you didn't miss much. General conclusions are that no one gained any ground, but no one really lost any. Hillary probably redeemed herself in the eyes of her supporters, but Obama and Edwards were aggressive enough to probably prevent her from gaining any ground. I think, I general, people were expecting more from Obama and a little less from Edwards than what ended up happening. Further more, some of the best performances were by Biden and Dodd. Too bad the race isn't about them any more. And finally, there was Blitzer. Hmm...It's suddenly becoming clear that there were several motivations for CNN to hold the YouTube debates.

Here are a few blog articles worth reading if you're still curious:

Otherwise, here are a few of the highlights:

OBAMA: The only difference between Senator Clinton's health care plan and mine is that she thinks the problem for people without health care is that nobody has mandated, forced them to get health care. What I see are people who would love to have health care. They desperately want it. But the problem is they can't afford it.


CLINTON: And this pantsuit, it's asbestos tonight.


BIDEN: Oh no, no, no, no.

BLITZER: Senator Biden, I want you to weigh in.

BIDEN: Don't do it, no! Don't make me speak!


BIDEN: But look, folks, let's get straight to it here. This is not about experience. It's not about change. It's about action. Who among us is going to be able to, on day one, step in and end the war? Who among us understands what to do about Pakistan? Who among us is going to pick up the phone and immediately interface with Putin and lay off Georgia because Saakashvili is in real trouble?


EDWARDS: When is our party going to show a little backbone and strength and courage and speak up for those people who have been left behind?


RICHARDSON: Well, by the way, I'm Bill Richardson. I'm Governor of New Mexico. And nice to meet you all.


BLITZER: Are you ready to commit, absolutely, positively that you will support the Democratic nominee, no matter who that nominee is? No ifs, ands or buts. Senator Edwards?

EDWARDS: Is that a planted question?

BLITZER: Yes, I planted it.

EDWARDS: Yes, I absolutely will support the Democratic nominee for president.

DODD: Absolutely.

CLINTON: Absolutely, yes.

KUCINICH: Only if they oppose war as an instrument of policy.

RICHARDSON: Yes, I will support the nominee.

BIDEN: Hell, no, I wouldn't support any of these guys. No, I'm joking. Of course, I'm for them all.

Monday, November 12, 2007

"I love you back."

Wouldn't you know, Dems gives a steller presentation on the liklihood/consequences of a Hillary nomination and in storms Obama, not nearly as ready to give up as any of us thought.

In case you missed it, Obama spoke the other night in Iowa at the JJ dinner in front of 9,000 Iowa caucusers. Nearly all of the major candidates were present, but, when you're walking around campus and nearly every person who's remotely a Democrat comes up to you and says "Oh my god. Did you hear Obama last night?" you know who came home with the blue ribbon.

His speech truly was amazing. Drawing on America's penchant for pep talks and sports rallies, Obama was in this speech to get America pumped. He skillfully weaved in the tenets of his platform and spun them as his personal reasons for being in the race. By the end, you really believe that it is because of 47,000,000 uninsured and raising sea levels that he ran for president. He's not afraid to subtly attack his own party as directly as he attacks the Bush Administration. He hinges on important words and phrases such as "victory," "judgement," "courage," and "change the world." At one point, towards the end, he says he wants his children to have the same "chances somebody gave [him]." I particularly like this quote because it brings out the idea that we've managed to slip backwards and Obama is going to be there to reach out his hand and bring us forward.

A few other highlights:
-In the middle, alluding to the speech that originally made us all fall in love with him, Obama says, "I don't want to pit red American against blue America. I want to be the president of the United States of America."
- He reminds Dems that we "can't live in fear of losing." In what I see as a veiled defense of what he's been up to lately, he goes on to say "People are tired of fear, tired of diversions," and "tired of distractions." Are we still talking about people here?
- And finally, Obama alludes several times to throwing out the textbook, something I think we all really wish we could do right now. the clip below. It's 20 min but it's worth it. As you're watching, think about why this presidential race may not be over yet. Then let us know how you feel. Hate it? Love it? Wish it were Hillary? Sweet.