Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Dems Blog

Hey everyone. Middlebury College Democrats has switched its blog to HERE. (

If you want to be cool all summer, edit your bookmarks and start reading over there.



Friday, May 9, 2008

ABC: Obama takes the lead in superdelagates

is yet another encouraging sign... granted different news agencies have different super delegate counts...

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Don't you miss the good old days, when candidates talked about the issues...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The black and white myth....

But.... But.... But.....

How could Obama have won North Carolina by so much? How could he have gotten within 22,000 votes of Clinton in Indiana? How is he going to win Pennsylvania and Ohio in November?

He CAN'T win white working class men!!!

Big lies die hard. There's a growing narrative among Clinton supporters that Obama is only really popular because of black voters. And among the media that the Democratic party is splintering along racial lines.

Never mind the fact that a splinter in the primary does not necessarily mean a split in the general. Never mind that plenty of those working class white guys would still much rather have a Democrat in the white house, of whatever color.

Yeah, he probably won't do as well in a few small rural states like Kentucky and W. Virginia.
But ... if this isn't the base of diverse coalition, I don't know what is

That's right. Obama won with everyone under 64. Whoa.

(*) The independents have gone for Obama in all but four states

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A thousand monkeys with a thousand op-eds...

David Brooks gets it right:

And yet, David, I wonder what kind of campaign your buddy McCain will be running.

Lapel pins? Really?

Monday, May 5, 2008

Two good arguments...

I want to blog about the Iraq Debate soon, but I have to sleep on it before I say anything rash.

For now, I simply point you towards yet another electability analysis by Markos. The argument to the supers that the numbers give Clinton a better shot in November is a mile wide and an inch deep.

An interesting new argument, in my mind, is this Machiavellian explanation from TPM reader RP, an Obama supporter who nevertheless sees some value in Hillary's cutthroat strategy.

Ultimately, I disagree. I think the short term gains of running a lefty Rove-style campaign would be outweighed by alienating the new voters, independents and young people who will form the backbone of this movement in the future. We should be able to win on our ideas.

But to do that, Obama's gotta get better at playing offense all the time. Which brings me to the reason, most compelling to me lately, why the long nomination battle will ultimately be good for our party.

Just think of Hillary as the best sparring partner Obama could ever ask for.

Purple Texas? Jesus!

Push the panic button, Republicans. Buoyed by a Latino population turned Democratic by the race bating immigrant bashing of the Republican congress, and by a new, blue generation of young people, Texas, yes, Texas, is competitive this year.

We've got a real chance at a senate seat with Afghanistan veteran Rick Noriega gaining fast on Republican John Cornyn. Incredible.

And then look at this:

Kos notes, rightly I think, that there's no way Obama is going to win only 40 percent of women and only 69 percent of Democrats. Those numbers are being depressed by pissed off HIllary supporters.

But no......I won't even allow myself to fantasize about a Democratic Texas in 2008, but if McCain has to spend money campaigning in Dubya's home state (approval rate 39%), he's in major trouble.

And the future is bright.. as the age breakdown attests.

The era of Tom Delay is over.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

And on the seventh day.....

Make Frank Rich a Part of your Sunday routine.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Rainy Day Fun and Games

Not only is it cold and wet this week Middlebury, VT, but the nomination battle remains in a cold, stagnant, swampy, sorry state.

Tuesday is not going to change anything: Obama will win NC though not by as large a margin as he would like. Hillary will win in Indiana, but it will do nothing to change the cold truth that she can't win without an increasingly unlikely coup d'superdelegate.

So, what's a political junkie to do, trapped inside during the cold, wet nomination battle, until the wide grassy field of general election season opens?

Fear not.

1. Relax your electibility tension with a warm bath, some scented candles, and a few blissful hours playing with the electoral college map at Every time I do, that little voice in my head that says "If we lose Ohio and Florida, we lose the election" floats away. Ahhhhhhhh....... all we have to do is win the Kerry states plus Iowa, Colorado and New Mexico. I swear, it's better than a massage.

2. Measure up your political philosophy against your some of your favorite politicians at the Maybe you'll be surprised, though um..... I wasn't:

3. Watch some good pornography. I mean The West Wing. Then cry and do it again.

A Thoughtful Point of View

Peggy Noonan's Op-Ed in Saturday's Wall Street Journal painted a carefully thought out, insightful opinion about Rev. Wright.  In her article, Noonan, a Reagan speechwriter famous for many of Reagan's most enduring sound bites, discusses her personal view of the Rev. Wright controversy and what the furor around the Reverend may say about America. Take a look.